料理・好・空氣 特選餐單
Healthy Food. Healthy Air. Menu of Choice

為嚮應 Jamie Oliver 年度 Food Revolution #為食起革命 活動,Go.Asia 愛心起動 夥拍 健康空氣行動 推出 餐桌里程:料理・好・空氣 活動,於5、6月期間籌備多項活動讓公眾參與,實行以行動力爭本土健康食物及潔淨空氣。

在這個美食天堂 …

- 我們每星期平均會在外吃五餐飯;

- 我們日常95%的食材分別從不同產地循海、陸、空進口   餐飲業界是帶領全球可持續發展的重要一員,推廣大眾以步行替代交通,並選用更多本地食材,可以減短食物里程 (food miles),改善路邊空氣污染及減低廢氣排放,締造藍天新鮮料理。


Go.Asia 愛心起動及健康空氣行動邀請了本地多家餐廳 (參與餐廳名單及菜式) 於 5月起推出 料理・好・空氣 特選餐單,以推廣餐桌里程:料理・好・空氣 行動。各參與餐廳為今次活動精心設計出選用本地食材的菜式,讓用餐者在享用本地食材泡製的美食同時認識餐桌里程。


- 向公眾推廣減少餐桌里程的重要;

- 只需一個細微改變,選用多些本地食材,對空氣及健康都有裨益;

- 亦同時推動餐飲業界使用更多本地食材,推動本土優質農業發展。

餐桌里程:料理.好.空氣 參與餐廳 名單

港島區:Sohofama 料理農務Ω ohms cafe & bar 順逆 珈琲酒館 、PREGIO by Barista Caffe

九龍區:八一0四 生活盒子Return Coffee HouseT clubDreamix 廚Flame - Towngas Avenue

新界區:Ideaology Café



To echo with Jamie Oliver’s Year of Food Revolution #Food Revolution Campaign. Go.Asia is in partnership with Clean Air Network to launch FoodMiles: Healthy Food. Healthy Air. in the months of May & June 2017 to organize various programs for public participation to practice the pursuit of local healthy food and clean air. 

In this Gourmet Paradise …

- We eat out five meals a week in average;

- 95% of our daily food source comes from different origins being imported by sea, land and air Catering sector is a leading member in global sustainability. By promoting to the public to walk on foot instead of taking transportation and select more food source locally to shorten food miles, we then improve roadside air pollution that reduce the release of emissions to create blue sky and fresh food.

Activity Details:

Go.Asia and Clean Air Network have invited local restaurants (List of participating restaurants and menu) to launch a specialty menu featuring dishes made with locally sourced ingredients to show their support for the Food Miles: Healthy Food. Healthy Air. campaign. 

We wish this activity can: 

• emphasizes the significance of reducing food miles

• promote public awareness of how a small individual effort towards making better food choices can contribute to our overall health and environment sustainability  

• support local agriculture and farming businesses by purchasing local produce

FoodMiles: Healthy Food. Healthy Air. Restaurant List

HK Island: Sohofama, Ω ohms cafe & bar, PREGIO by Barista Caffe

Kowloon: 8104 a box of life, Return Coffee House, T clubDreamix 廚Flame - Towngas Avenue

New Territories: Ideaology Café

Home Restaurant: MobiChef