FoodMiles: Healthy Food. Healthy Air. 
食物資訊 Food Fact





試想想,購買一包來自美國的羽衣甘藍,運輸里程是 13,000 公里。如你到以下農墟購買本地有機羽衣甘藍

元朗到中環 36 km

元朗到大埔 30 km

元朗到鰂魚涌 45 km

每次購買本地羽衣甘藍,可減少360倍以上的食物里程 ! 

The Impact of Long Distance Food Materials Transportation on Air Pollution 

The real environmental cost of purchasing imported produce is not only influenced by the transportation process of these produces. Other factors such as industrialized farming, food processing, and storage are also key in contributing to the overall environmental cost. As fossil fuels are burned to turn into energy to power all these processes, the result is detrimental on the environment. Here are few examples 

Example 1 Grapes

The aerial transportation of a bunch of 200 gram Chilean grapes to Hong Kong will generate one and a half kilograms of greenhouse gas. 

Example 2 Kale

The distance it takes to transport Kale from US to HK is 13,000 km by air, while locally grown organic Kale sold at local farmers' markets travels no more than 100 miles, for example:

Yuen Long to TaiPo 30km 

Yuen Long to Central 36km

Yuen Long to Quarry Bay 45km

Each time you purchase a local grown produce, such as Kale, you can help reduce 360 times of unnecessary food miles!  



• 維他命 B、C及E是對抗自由基,預防疾病如心臟病、癌症的重要抗氧化物,而進口新鮮食材比本地即日收割食材,較有機會流失更多養份
• 菠菜於收割後24小時內,若存放於室溫,維他命 C會慢慢流失 50-90%
• 葉酸亦會隨著時間及與光線接觸而受破壞

Loss of Food Nutrition & Freshness

Loss of nutrition & freshness may incur during the delivery process of imported produce. For instance:

• Vitamin C, B and E are all important antioxidants that protect our body against free radical damages that are the root cause of common diseases such as cancer. Imported produces have lower levels of these vital vitamins compared to freshly picked fruit and vegetables that have retained the maximum amount of nutrients before reaching the consumers.

• Spinach stored at room temperature loses between 50 and 90 per cent of its vitamin C within 24 hours of being picked. 

• Folic acid, present in many green leafy vegetables, is prone to deterioration with time and exposure to light. 



欲知更多本地食材資訊,請 按此

Eat Local

There are a wide range of local produces readily available at our finger tips. Hong Kong has produced many of the common food items that we regularly find on our plates, such as vegetables, chicken, pork, condiments, and seafood. “Eat the Seasons” isn’t just a slogan; it best describes the local farming practice where farmers would only grow crops best suited for the local climate. 

To find outlets that sell local produces, please click here 

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