FoodMiles: Healthy Food. Healthy Air. 
空氣資訊 Air Fact



根據粗略估計,香港全年有277,100噸食物經陸路運輸,總共要5萬架五噸半貨車散貨。平均每日就有約140架五噸半貨車在馬路上來往運送食物,排放近2, 000公斤氮氧化物,因此我們每人每餐都間接「貢獻」了0.1 g 的氮氧化物排放。   


Hong Kong's dense city landscape traps roadside pollution and jeopardizes the health of everyone sharing the road. Vehicle emissions like nitrogen dioxide (No2) and suspended particulates (PM2.5) have a direct impact on our respiratory system and brain. The 82 millions of registered vehicles in Hong Kong has aggravated roadside pollution. The situation will likely worsen as the numbers of vehicles are expected to increase exponentially in the future.

Approximately, there are 277,100 tons of food being imported into Hong Kong everyday and employing140 transportation vehicles. This results in the emission of nearly 2000 kg nitrogen oxides on a daily basis. In retrospect, our choice of food is one of the reasons causing air pollution.

Our city deserves fresh clean air and so do you. To tackle the problem, we need effort from each of you. Let’s begin our fight for cleaner air today starting with an eco-conscious healthy diet to minimize your impact on air pollution.  


- 搜羅食材時先寫購物清單、計劃路線,提高旅程效率

- 減少跨區購買,多步行或踏單可直接幫助改善空氣質素、令身體更健康,還可順道認識社區

- 到餐廳用膳,不妨先考慮集體運輸,的士、私家車的人均污染排放量是巴士的40至70倍!

- 支持本地種植,或在家中種植如香草類的輕食材,減輕過量運輸需求

- 網上購物和速遞服務雖然方便,但跟家人、朋友一起享受逛菜市場和超市更是難得啊!

- 請即 按此 聯署,抑制失控車輛增長,從源頭改善路邊空氣質素

Green diet for bluer sky

-Avoid driving to shop. Walk or cycle instead.

-Support local farms and why not even grow your own produce like herbs to reduce food trucks transportation.

-Reduce online shopping and courier services

-Click here to sign petition to curb vehicle growth and reduce roadside air pollution.
